Neo mod fnf
Neo mod fnf

neo mod fnf

Health draining still occurs even when Neo Monster is not singing. During Illusion and Hallucination, Neo Monster slowly drains your health over time whenever he sings.Girlfriend's favorite type of flowers are Azaleas.She also wears black sneakers with magenta soles and black shoelaces. Her hair is now pink and cyan and wears a sweater with a magenta collar and cyan sleeves with the shirt part being black. In her upcoming 4.0 design, her hair is tied up in a ponytail with a large magenta bow rather than let down and sports a purple earpiece. Her stockings are now shorter, barely reaching her knees, and each have a stripe on them (Neon blue for the right stocking, neon pink for the left stocking). In her 3.0 redesign, she wears a magenta top with a zipper and black shorts instead of a dress, purple gloves and shoes and her hair now has some pink streaks on it, as well as neon blue and pink hair clips. The speakers she sits on now have a more futuristic design, with pink and blue glows coming from them. Neo Girlfriend now has black hair, and wears a magenta dress with dark grey stockings and red heels. “ Whoever we're going against I'm sure you'll destroy them, babe. Despite the name, it's not actually a glowstick.The glow/erection lasts an hour per crack.

neo mod fnf

  • It apparently tastes like monster energy.
  • Why or how this was first discovered is currently unknown.
  • This could be the reason why Neo Mommy Mearest calls him "Glowsdick".
  • neo mod fnf

  • According to LoFi Skelly in the Neo Discord, Neo BF is the son of Monster.
  • According to Jellyfish in the Neo Discord, Neo BF mains Ike in Smash and GF mains Bowser.
  • Neo BF gets pissed off when someone eats his food.
  • Neo BF had braces when he first started rapping.
  • The design was made by Phantom Fear, who is also best known for making the Corruption mod. He now sports a magenta scarf and a pair of gaming headphones. In the upcoming 4.0 redesign, he is no longer wearing gloves, his hoodie is dark purple, His hair is almost fully exposed, and he also has a new facial expression. In his 3.O redesign, he wears headphones, and a purple and green hoodie with grey sleeves and fingerless gloves. His hair is black with green on the tips of it. Neo Boyfriend now wears a magenta hat with a black brim, a grey short-sleeved hoodie over a lavender shirt, dark blue pants, and black shoes.

    neo mod fnf

    “ It only means that your loss will be more embarrassing! Now, hit it! ”

    Neo mod fnf